Výzvy pre starovekých a moderných prekladateľov Biblie II

Challenges for Ancient and Modern Bible Translators II

Kláštor bosých karmelitánov Košice-Lornčík

27. 9. 2022 – Utorok/Tuesday

18.00 Peter Dubovský (Roma): Eliáš v škole cudzinky, vdovy?

(Prednáška pre verejnosť/Public lecture in Slovak language) – V aule Centra spirituality Východ-Západ Michala Lacka na Komenského 14 v Košiciach

28. 9. 2022 – Streda/Wednesday

Chair: Peter Dubovský

9.00-9.45 Juliane Eckstein (Mainz/Frankfurt): When Fear Is Boring. Functional Translation Theory and the Translation of Emotions

9.45-10.30 Harald Samuel (Oxford): Translation Technique or Text-Critical Problem? Some Problematic Wayyiqtol Forms in Poetic Texts


10.45-11.30 Peter Juhás (Münster): Übersetzungstechnik, Textkritik und Exegese. Beobachtungen zu den Marginalia in den Harklensis-Handschriften am Beispiel des Matthäusevangeliums

11.30-12.15 Beate Kowalski (Dortmund): OT Allusions in the Marginalia of the Text-Critical Editions of the NT: Review of the Greek New Testament (5th edition) and Nestle-Aland (28th edition) and its Relevance for Modern Bible Translators



Chair: Harald Samuel

 15.15-15.45 Reinhard Müller (Göttingen): Zwei späte Interpolationen des Wortes „Tora“. Griechische Übersetzungstechnik, alexandrinischer und protomasoretischer Text in Dtn 17,19 und Jer 26,4

15.45-16.30 Blažej Štrba (Bratislava/Jerusalem): Exod 33:7-11: New translation and renewed worship


16.45-17.30 Miroslav Varšo (Košice): Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung der Liebesterminologie des Hoheliedes in der Septuaginta

29. 9. 2022 – Štvrtok/Thursday

Chair: Miroslav Varšo

9.00-9.45 Šimon Marinčák (Bratislava): Musical Instruments in the Bible as Reflected in the Selected Slavic Translations

9.45-10.30 Jozef Tiňo (Bratislava): To Test or to Tempt? A Short Introduction to the Theological Dilema in Major Slovak Biblical Translations


10.45-11.45 Juraj Feník (Bratislava/Košice): The Letter to the Romans: Comparing Slovak Translations

Michael Wolter (Bonn): Additional Remarks on the Understanding and Translation of κατὰ σάρκακατὰ πνεῦμα in Rom 1:3-4

11.45-12.15 Róbert Lapko (Bratislava/Košice): The Camaldul Bible

Concluding Remarks


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